Why I Am Running
I have decided to run for ORR School Committee because I believe in the value of public education and know that a strong school system supports and sustains the health and vitality of its local community.
I recognize that our education system must prepare students for tomorrow's opportunities and challenges. As the mother of three young adults, I highly value public education and understand that there are many factors which support success. I have spent many hours volunteering to assist teachers within classrooms, managed fundraising programs to enhance resources available and served as an advisor on several wellness panels to embrace whole child development.
As a small business owner, I am self-motivated toward professional and personal excellence. I understand the importance of “doing more with less” while maintaining quality services. My experience has developed a strong ability to identify problems and then research and analyze issues from different perspectives to guarantee successful outcomes. I am quite comfortable with public speaking and communication and acknowledge that this role will require maintaining healthy dialogues focused on mutually agreeable results.
I deeply value educating the whole child by ensuring that social emotional learning is a critical part of any education planning. Skills which teach useful ways to understand and manage emotions provides the basis for successful and healthy human development. I have extensive experience in developing and supporting relevant programs within grades 3-12 and have help several advisory positions.
With the experience gained through the various positions I have held, I believe I can make a significant contribution to ORR and our community. I plan to actively listen to the concerns of parents, educators, and the administration, thoroughly research and analyze the issues, and advocate for policies which prioritize the academic and overall well-being of each student. I look forward to your support and earnestly request your vote on May 20th.
I also invite you to my campaign kick-off event on March 7 at the Inn at Shipyard Park. I am looking forward to engaging with the community in meaningful ways.